(+30) 25510 28607
(+30) 25510 28647
(+30) 25510 31002
In our effort to make your stay even more pleasant our hotel provides various services. We offer 24 hours a day room service, breakfast, dinner and we can wake you up at any hour of your choice. For your communication you have the possibility to send and receive e-mail and you can also make use of a fax appliance.
You are also able to rent a car while our hotel can organize on your behalf excursions to the delta of Evros, the forest of Dadia and the island of Samothrace.
Regarding the communication there will be absolutely no problem since you can converse with us in 5 different languages: English, German, French, Italian and of course Greek.
The hotel facilitates different ways of payment other than cash, such as the use of credit cards or via the banking system.